46° 48.650’ N
090° 48.727’ W
Bayfield, Wisconsin
First of all – HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY – to granddaughter Erika.
The weather has been perfect! (Picture on left are the sandstone cliffs.) We’re enjoying every minute of it because on Lake Superior the weather can turn in a moment, without any notice.
With all of the excitement going on we decided to stay a few days. We took the time to visit the Bayfield Maritime Museum which featured local maritime history especially the fishing industry of the past 150 years. There was a gentleman that was quite knowledgeable about the fishing industry as well as the local history. His father was once a local commercial fisherman. He also escorted us thru the museum explaining many of the different displays.
From there we located an ice cream shop and got our daily ration of cholesterol! Tomorrow we will hang out in town and watch the sail boaters do their thing!