Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 44 – Tuesday, July 6, 2010

46° 40.020’ N
090° 02.934’ W
Black River, Michigan
(We have no phone or internet service here)

We were hoping to leave early today but with rain and less than perfect weather conditions we departed (pic on left) close to 10:30am and poked our nose into the lake. The weather was fair but overcast and gray. As the day went on the sky turned blue the water was calm with no wind to speak of. About an hour and a half before we were to arrive at Black River we were engulfed in a sea of fog! (pic on right) It was so thick we could hardly see the bow on our boat. With good planning and radar we found our way to within a mile and a half of the harbor entrance when the fog lifted and then entered the harbor with out any problems. We knew we were due to get caught in the fog – it was just a matter of time!

This area is beautiful so we will probably spend an extra day hiking around before moving on. (pic on left is the entrace to Black River)

Three blow boaters followed us in within an hour of our arrival. Once acquainted a dock party of snacks and beer started and lasted until it was time for sleep!