Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 139 – Saturday, October 30, 2010

87° 19.963’ W
34° 48.741’ N
Joe Wheeler State Park (day 9)
Rogersville, Alabama

Another group of Loopers departed for the Gulf and other places today. Our numbers are starting to dwindle in this marina.

The Flints have arrived back but have changed their cruising plans. As it stands now they will leave tomorrow and head for the Gulf. If I understand John correctly, their trip will be a more direct route to complete their loop, which will get them home sometime in June or before.

Barb and I will continue with our original plans and continue up river possibly to Chattanooga. There is a festival in Chattanooga next weekend so we may delay our start as there are no slips available until after the festival!

Bruce and Chris will return to Chicago on Wednesday for a quick doctor appointment then return to their boat in Joe Wheeler State Park to head up or down stream. Either way we will intercept them on their return or they will catch up with us in Chattanooga.

Our goal is to get to Mobile Bay before Thanksgiving which should not be a problem – IF – the weather holds and we don’t encounter any problems!