Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 38 – Fri. July 17, 2009

NOTE: Having trouble uploading pictures into blog - will insert at another time - but wanted to get you updated so you wouldn't think we are lost.

Today we visited the Chateau Montebello (on left), constructed of logs in the 1930’s. We also walked through a Parks Canada National Historic Site, Manoir-Papineau (below) that was completed in 1850, both quite interesting!

From there we found a log restaurant that served great pizza and beer. We meet a group of Canadians and had a few laughs (and beers).

We had another mixed bag of weather today, sun shine to rain - back to sun shine. The temperature dropped in the afternoon and a light coat became necessary.

Today we’re tied up to a floating dock that has no protection from the wind. We are definitely going to have a rocky night in the boat and will probably be ready to leave earlier than usual. The Ottawa River was dammed up for hydro electric and the river that was a mile across is 3 and 4 miles in some places which gives the wind a chance to whip up a few waves and move the boat around.

Tomorrow we will travel 60 miles to Gatineau (Hull) Quebec. If the boat is protected from the wind we will stay there two nights and move sometime Monday into the Rideau Canal.