Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 37 - Thurs. July 16, 2009

We are still here in Hawkesbury, Ontario! We spent most of the day fixing small problems and checking all of the systems. The boat continues to work well and has not caused us any problems.

The weather was pleasant for most of the day until we were hit with a 15 minute violent hail storm! That’s our first hail storm on the boat and hopefully our last! We actually had hail enter the fly bridge by bouncing under the canvas! The noise level was a little much and when the storm passed the sky turned blue and there was a great rainbow!

Tomorrow we will cruise to Chateau Montebello and visit the worlds largest log structure! We will spend the night close by - then move to the Hull Marina in Gatineau, Quebec, the city directly across the river from Ottawa, Ontario. We plan to spend two nights there and intercept Russ and Mary at the marina Sunday night. If the master plan works we will enter the flight of 8 locks Monday morning and end up next to the Parliament building and have lunch tied to the wall on the Rideau Canal!