Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

76°13.266’ W
38°47.121’ N
St. Michaels Marina
St. Michaels, Maryland

Tension is starting to build here. The storm in the Midwest that was to push the hurricane out to sea has lost its strength and because of that development it now looks like we are going to get hit with one hell of a hurricane!

Double rainbow - starboard side of our boat
Tomorrow we will remove the canvas and install our winter cover which will lower the profile of the boat and hopefully reduce the effects of the wind. The locals are thinking that the surge from this storm will be less than hurricane Isabel is 2003. Because this hurricane is coming from a different direction than hurricane Isabel, the winds could be higher. What all of that information means to Barb and me is were stuck in the middle of one heck of a storm and depending on what the Coast Guard and the Governor of Maryland have to say ----- we will stay with or close to the boat.

Tomorrow we will pack our suitcase in case we need to move to higher ground! Flooding is a real possibly and high ground is a few blocks away. Impact of the hurricane is now predicted to start around noon Saturday! Flooding could last until noon Monday!

The marina has assigned two slips to us which means we will tie the boat between two piers 
Sun setting - port side of our boat
using the open space of the opening. Every line that we have will be secured to pilings and secured as high as the lines will permit. The staff will help us tomorrow get ready for the big blow! Electrical power to the marina will be turned off sometime Saturday and stay off until the water recedes.

The frustrating thing about this situation is the storm information we are getting, keeps changing from hour to hour. At present we are doing everything we can do to protect our boat while keeping us safe.

Tonight as I started to write this blog a double rainbow appeared in the east! I’m not superstitious but every little bit of good luck helps in this situation. Stay tuned for our continuing adventure aboard “MOOR $TUFF”!

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