Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

76°13.266’ W
38°47.121’ N
St. Michaels Marina
St. Michaels, Maryland

Good morning everyone. Barb and I have checked into a local motel about a mile from the marina. The day started early for us as we removed a few days of clothing, insurance papers, log books, pass ports and personal items from the boat. At that point I started the process of adjusting lines and repositioning the boat to the center of the cell. As we were completing the adjustment of the lines the rain began. The boat is now tied to pilings in the best way we know how. There will be marina staff watching their buildings and docks and have assured us they will keep us informed of our boats well being. At present it’s a steady soaker with the winds picking up. The hurricane is hours away with the worst predicted to begin 12 hours from now.

Today we will post our blog early as we expect to loose communication with the outside world. Damage to cell towers is expected during the storm. There is a good possibility that the highway in front of the motel may get flooded but I think we will stay high and dry from hurricane Irene!

1 comment:

  1. You probably don't remember us, but we met you St. Augustine last May and in Alabama in October. We are AGLCA members too. We are from Texas...thought we got away from this type of weather this summer! Just wanted to tell you good luck, our thoughts and prayers are with everyone on the east shore of Maryland. We are in Baltimore and are ready for what ever comes our way.
