Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

81° 52.568’ W
26° 38.538’ N
Legacy Harbour Marina
Ft. Myers, Florida

We are not going anywhere today. I checked out from the marina and paid the bill. After disconnecting and storing the power cords, water hose and TV cable the weather changed quickly! A front moved in, increasing the wave height to four feet and building. Also the morning fog that appeared to be lifting has not completely dissipated! Put the two together and we will probably be here for another few days. If the weather changes again – in our favor – we can be under way in 30 minutes.

Skip - Dick

To get a little exercise Barb, I and the Flints walked into town for a light lunch. On our return to the marina we noticed an old friend sitting at a sidewalk café and joined him for a drink. Dick is also a looper from the Midwest wintering in Florida. As always it is great to renew old acquaintances!

There’s a Super Bowl party later on Jim and Cathy’s boat which will be fun while grazing on all types of appetizers now being prepared!