Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

81° 01.017’ W
24° 43.444’ N
Virginia & Gordy Matthews Home
Key Colony Beach, FL on Fat Deer Key

The Matthews Home
The weather continues to be flawless! Temperatures in the low 80’s bright blue skies with a gentle ocean breeze.

This nagging cold that every one is experiencing just keeps slowing everyone down. My get up and go has got up and went!

Carl picked Barb and me up less Ricki who has joined the ranks of the sick! She elected to stay on the boat while we drove to a nautical flee market 50 miles from here. By the time we got there the traffic, and finding a parking space, nearly impossible so we turned around and returned to our boats. It was the right thing to do considering no one is feeling great! Another day of R&R won’t hurt any of us!

I’m going to find shade under a palm tree and read a book until sunset! What a great way to fight off a cold!