Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010

85° 43.699’ W
30° 08.723’ N
Bay Point Marina
Panama City Beach, Florida

Barb and I went to the local waffle shop for breakfast (no food on the boat) then shopped for supplies to restock the boat with food. We tried to purchase an electric heater to replace our broken portable one, but with the cold weather down here every thing resembling a heater was sold out.

The rental car has been returned and our marina bill has been paid so we are free to get under way after first light. We will depart from here tomorrow morning before 8 am and cruise 50 miles to Port St. Joe, Florida. There is a major storm in the west covering 17 states and moving east. The local weather station is predicting high winds and rain as a direct result of the impending storm front! We want to get out of here ASAP to get settled in Port St. Joe. If we don’t beat the storm that’s coming we could get stuck here for three or four days!

On the bright side of getting out of here – we will meet up with friends (Ricki and Carl on Quest) and spend New Years Eve together.