Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 168 – Sunday, November 28, 2010

86° 35.580’ W
30° 25.580’ N
Fort Walton Yacht Club
Choctawhatchee Bay in Cinco Bayou
Fort Walton Beach, Florida

Leaving Orange Beach, Alabama

Welcome to Florida!

Aloong the ICW

Along the ICW

Barb and I were up early and got underway by 7am. For the first four hours the wind kept building resulting in 2 to 3 foot waves with the wind on our nose. By the end of the day the wind was gone and the seas were flat! We did a total of 65 miles which we consider a long day. Tomorrow we hope to reach Panama City weather permitting! Once there we will ready the boat for its one month stay while we return home!

Along the ICW

Along the ICW

The Yacht Club were staying at tonight was recommended by Jim Hanrahan a fellow SRYC member. He had called all the right people so when we called from our boat on the ICW they knew who we were and took great care of our needs! Thanks Jim!

Skip - Barb - Darlene - Neal
Barb contacted old friends from LaGrange - Darlene & Neal Anderson who live in Niceville, Florida. They came to the boat for a visit and from there we went to dinner and had a very enjoyable evening. During our dinner conversation she mentioned a name who happens to be the sister of my oldest friend both who lived next door to me while growing up in Bellwood, Illinois! We do live in a small world!