Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 160 – Saturday, November 20, 2010

88° 05.512’ W
30° 34.063’ N
Dog River Marina in Mobile Bay (day 2)
Mobile, Alabama

Last night while trying to sleep we heard the pitter patter of foot steps on the deck over our heads. We were not to sure what it was so I got up to take a look. It probably was a large pelican that I saw fly off only to return later on. I do know - that big birds leave big messes on your deck!

Today we reviewed navigation charts and planned our next few days of cruising. Barb did some house keeping and I checked out the engines. When ever we decide to leave Dog River Marina we will be prepared to go.

Stan dropped his new $300 cell phone into the water. Carl and I dragged a magnet across the bottom of the harbor for an hour until we recovered it! We had the fun of fishing for it and Stan gets to turn it in for a new replacement!

The six of us went to dinner across the channel from where our boats are docked! The food was good but the mood was a little flat as Stan and Colleen will depart tomorrow and move their boat to Texas! We sure did enjoy their company and look forward to seeing them in the spring when they return to Florida in their motor home.