Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 50 – Monday, July 12, 2010
46° 51.502’ N
091° 06.148’ W
Cornucopia, Wisconsin

During the day yesterday the weather was less than perfect so Barb and I stayed on the boat and made cruising plans for the next few weeks.

This morning we fueled up and headed out into a very calm lake to cruise to Cornucopia. We plotted our course yesterday to snake through a group of the Apostle Islands and some of there rocky shoals. We saw two of the five major light houses in the Apostle Islands which are still in use. Barb and I plan to anchor out close to the lighthouse on Raspberry Island (top right pic Raspberry Isl. - Sand Island LH underneath) after starting east next week.

The harbor in Cornucopia reminds us of a New England port. “Moor $tuff” is tied to a sea wall under the shade of large pine trees. We can look across the lawn of a private residence out into Lake Superior. At one time this town was a major fishing port and harbor for the lumber industry. The old barn where the fish were delivered and nets repaired, is now a bed and breakfast. The work sheds are now used by local artist to pursue their craft. Main Street is one block long and claims to have the northern most US Post Office in Wisconsin. There is a general store with groceries, clothing, liquor and attached lumber yard / hardware store.

Across the street is Fish Lipps the local restaurant, bar and pool hall suitable for family gatherings. We had dinner there and it was very good, at a reasonable price.

Enjoyed a beautiful sunset and looks like it is going to be a cool night.

Tomorrow we will cruise to the port of Superior, Wisconsin. Our plan is to stay there for three days then move to Duluth, Minnesota seven miles away behind the same break wall.