Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 35 – Tues. July 14, 2009

To all of my go fast friends - slow is good here, and every one goes slow in the Canal de la Sud, even the big Sea Rays! The weather was less than perfect (that’s nothing new), and now has turned cold. We passed through two very large locks that were built for ships. They charge a 25 dollar toll to use the lock. In the first lock – Saint Lambert (above) - we rafted off two larger boats as the biggest are put on the wall and smaller as you go from there. We passed one ship in the canal (very impressive) and met the second one coming out of lock number two at Saint Catherine (we were rafted off the 2nd boat). All in all it made for an interesting morning. We still had fun picking our way through a patch of buoys that was somewhat like playing a board game with a little more to lose!

We are tied up to a sea wall (bottom pictrue approaching the wall) in Sainte-Anne-De-Bellevue a very nice stop. At present we are doing laundry close to the boat, then – we will have a difficult decision to make as to which restaurant to visit.

My buddy and best friend for over 60 years Russ Olsson and his wife Mary will join us for a few days beginning this weekend in Ottawa, Canada!