Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 6 - Mon. June 15, 2009

Everything that can be done with a boat on dry land has been completed. We finished buffing and waxing the hull to the fly bridge. The marina told us a bad weather front was moving in and we took advantage of the extra time to detail the boat inside and out. About 11 am they moved in the travel lift and positioned it over our boat when the weather turned. With the boat sitting high and dry inside the storage facility and nothing to do - we went food shopping to provision the boat. That was another 20 or so miles to get there. In this part of the world you don’t mind driving because the scenery is so spectacular. The boat needs to get launched for the remainder of the plumbing systems can be checked out and water storage tanks flushed and purged! With luck the boat will get launched by 10 am tomorrow and we will be ready to head for New York City Wednesday morning - early! If we keep to this schedule we will leave here on the date we were planning to leave.